API List

Category API Data & Interface Dimension Authorization Description

Obtaining Access Token

  • GET /v1/auth/get_token
Data: None
Interface: Default Authorization
Obtain the access token for OpenAPI
This API requires IP Dimension Authorization
Enterprise Information

Get Enterprise List

  • GET /v1/corp/agency_corp_list
Data: Agent-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Get the list of enterprises under the agent

Get Enterprise Information

  • GET /v1/corp/corp_info
Data: Agent-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Get the information of enterprises under the agent
Enterprise SSO Single Sign-on

Enterprise Robot MP Index Page SSO

  • GET /v1/sso/corp_admin_sso
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Obtain the redirection URL for logging in to the enterprise robot MP from a third-party system (your system) without login

Enterprise Robot MP Subpage SSO

  • GET /v1/sso/corp_admin_page_sso
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Obtain the redirection URL for logging in to a page in the enterprise robot MP from a third-party system (your system) without login

Switch Enterprise For sWebApi

  • GET /v1/sso/init_webapi_access
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Switch the current login enterprise for sWebApi
Robot Information

Get Robot List

  • GET /v1/robot/robot_list
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Get the list of robots

Get Robot Information

  • GET /v1/robot/robot_info
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Get robot information

Modify Robot Information

  • POST /v1/robot/modify_robot
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Modify robot information

Set Robot Lease Period

  • POST /v1/robot/set_robot_expires_time
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Special Authorization
Set robot lease period
Robot Map Information

Get Robot Map Position List

  • GET /v1/robot/map/position_list
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Get the list of robot map points
Robot Control

Navigation To Location Command

  • POST /v1/robot/pipe/cmd_navigation
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Sends commands to the robot to navigate to a specified location, used for remotely controlling the robot's navigation to a specified location.

Cancel Navigation Command

  • POST /v1/robot/pipe/cmd_navigation_stop
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Sends commands to the robot to cancel navigation, used for remotely controlling the robot to cancel navigation.

Execute Voice Command

  • POST /v1/robot/pipe/cmd_exec_voice_cmd
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Sends commands to the robot to execute voice commands, used for remotely controlling the robot to execute voice commands.

Play TTS Command

  • POST /v1/robot/pipe/cmd_play_tts
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Sends commands to the robot to play TTS, used for remotely controlling the robot to play TTS.

Switch Working Mode Command

  • POST /v1/robot/pipe/cmd_set_task_mode
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Sends commands to the robot to switch working mode, used for remotely controlling the robot to switch working mode.

Get Switch Working Mode Status

  • POST /v1/robot/pipe/cmd_set_task_mode/status
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Obtain the switching status of the robot after receiving the switch working mode command, used for obtaining the switching status and result after issuing the command to switch the working mode to the robot.

Enter Sleep Mode Command

  • POST /v1/robot/pipe/cmd_power_sleep
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Sends commands to the robot to sleep, used for remotely controlling the robot to sleep.

Wake Up From Sleep Mode Command

  • POST /v1/robot/pipe/cmd_power_wakeup
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Sends commands to the robot to wake up, used for remotely controlling the robot to wake up.

Power Off Command

  • POST /v1/robot/pipe/cmd_poweroff
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Sends commands to the robot to power off, used for remotely controlling the robot to power off.

Go To Charging Command

  • POST /v1/robot/pipe/cmd_go_charging
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Sends commands to the robot to go charging, used for remotely controlling the robot to go charging.

Stop Charging Command

  • POST /v1/robot/pipe/cmd_stop_charging
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Sends commands to the robot to stop charging, used for remotely controlling the robot to leave the charging dock and stop charging.
Robot Task

Assign Plate Collection Task

  • POST /v1/robot/task/exec_zcb_plate_back_table_task
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
Assign tasks to the robot to collect plates, used for remotely controlling the robot to execute the plate collection task.
Robot Usage Data

LuckiBot Usage Data Query

  • POST /proxyopen/dataopen/applet_zcb_item_line
Data: Enterprise-level Authorization
Interface: Default Authorization
query the usage data of the LuckiBot.