
Enterprise Robot MP Index Page SSO


  • This API is used to obtain the URL of SSO login to the OrionStar enterprise robot MP homepage;


Data Dimension Authorization Enterprise-level Authorization This API requires enterprise-level authorization. Both enterprise-level and agent-level authorization accounts can call this API. Please refer to Authorization Methods.
Interface Dimension Authorization Default Authorization This API is granted by default, so you don't need to apply for interface dimension authorization separately for your authorization account. Please refer to Authorization Methods.


Request Entry Point

HTTP URL Path /v1/sso/corp_admin_sso
Parameter Type Required Description
Authorization string Yes
  • Access token
  • Format: Bearer access_token
  • Example: Bearer T.WcnhSdYj-kwVBpP27LRQrw.OBt95zE4TH-OPzIX6OkEWPo4rbR6s.ori-67facfd90b2744220a5eae850e51
  • Please refer to: Authentication Methods
Parameter Type Required Description
sso_acct_mobile string Yes The mobile number of the target enterprise account for SSO login. SSO login is equivalent to logging into the OrionStar enterprise robot MP directly using the account corresponding to this mobile number without entering the account password.
sso_acct_id string No The account ID of the third-party system (your system). If this parameter is passed, OrionStar will record it as is. Cannot exceed 64 bytes.
sso_acct_name string No The nickname or name of the account in the third-party system (your system). If this parameter is passed, after logging in to our enterprise backstage without login, the name of the current account will be displayed as the value of this parameter. Cannot exceed 16 characters.
sso_acct_avatar_url string No The avatar URL of the account in the third-party system (your system). If this parameter is passed, after logging in to our enterprise backstage without login, the avatar of the current account will be displayed as the value of this parameter. Cannot exceed 256 bytes.
# Please replace the entry point with yours according to your region
curl --location 'https://global-openapi.orionstar.com/v1/sso/corp_admin_sso?sso_acct_mobile=13512345678' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN'


Parameter Type Description
code int Error code. 0 means success, non-zero means failure, Please refer to Error Codes.
msg string Error description. When there is a failure, a specific error description will be provided.
req_id string Log tracking ID. When encountering problems that require assistance from OrionStar, please provide this tracking ID value.
data object Business data object, see below for details Response Body Data Object.
Parameter Type Description
redirect_url string SSO login redirection URL
expires_in string Expiration time of the redirection URL, in seconds. For example, 60 indicates that the expiration time of the redirection URL is 1 minute. Please note that it is an integer of type string.
    "code": 0,
    "msg": "",
    "data": {
        "redirect_url" : "https://jiedai.orionstar.com/capi/v1/corp/admin_sso_auth?sso_token=test_token&target_type=main",
        "expires_in" : "60"
  • Last modified: 2024-04-09 20:54 +0800